About Us

The Underground Ministry is dedicated to the healing and restoration of those caught in sexually addictive behaviors. Our hope is to receive and restore those who have fallen into this web of sin.

  • The Underground ministry will provide Christ centered education and encouragement to facilitate the healing of men and spouses caught in the destruction sexual sin. We will conduct this mission locally through professionally trained clinical/Christian counseling, regionally through peer led recovery groups and nationally through intensive workshops/seminars.

    The primary efforts of the Underground will be directed toward the church of Jesus Christ and related Christian organizations but not to the exclusion of unbelievers seeking healing through Jesus Christ.

  • We offer this help through:

    • Biblically based clinical counseling

    • Peer-led support groups for men and spouses in the Maryland/Delaware region 

    • Intensive 3-day workshops for men in recovery from sexually addictive behaviors including pornography and relationship betrayal

    We also offer help to strengthen and equip the church through:

    • Providing expert advice to church leaders facing an unexpected crisis of sexual sin within the leadership or the congregation

    • Suggesting appropriate resources to help church leaders equip their people. (i.e. bible studies/purity support groups)

    • Offering teaching to Sunday morning congregations 

    • Conducting teaching to Men’s ministry events to raise awareness and offer solutions

  • 1. There exists only one God, creator and sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally co-existing in three persons Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    2. The substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and his bodily resurrection provide the only ground for justification, forgiveness, and salvation for all who believe.

    3. Only those who trust in Him alone are born of the Holy Spirit and are true members of the Church; only they will spend eternity with Christ.

    4. The Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration and renewal for believers in Jesus Christ. He makes the presence of Jesus Christ real in believers, and He comforts, guides, convicts, and enables believers to live in ways that honor Christ.

    5. Ministry to persons acknowledges the complexity of humans as physical, social, psychological, and spiritual beings. The ultimate goal of Christian counseling is to help others move to personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability, and spiritual maturity.

  • As a ministry of Christian counseling, the Underground values and operates in the priority of:

    • Love- As believers in the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are called to love our fellow man. We are called to offer counsel that aligns with the Bible as God's perfect counsel while showing respect for every human beings individual journey towards the truth.

    • Grace- Every human being was created by God in the image of God. Sin has broken God's original design. Every human being has a story of brokenness that deserves to be heard.

    • Community- Sin has captured the heart and corrupted the behaviors of those caught addictive behavior. Freedom and healing are found within the community of Christ centered groups who together seek Jesus in the process of transformation.

    • Regeneration- We believe those who have believed by faith that Jesus Christ was sacrificed on the Cross for their sins and by his resurrection believe they are promised new life receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit to indwell, convict, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for godly living and service. Regeneration of the soul begins at salvation and continues throughout the life of a believer. The divine power to change begins at salvation.

    • Healing- Broken people are healed as they believe the truth of their value in Jesus Christ and pursue him by faith in obedience. Healing in recovery includes understanding the impact of sin and human influences, forgiving those who have hurt us and recognizing the lies that have driven our choices. The Underground promotes healing as a maturing of thoughts, decisions and emotional responses. As we pray for God to remove our desire to sin, we understand that an instantaneous event that would permanently remove the addiction is rare and considered a sovereign act of grace by God. We embrace the journey of healing as a process of our mind, will and emotions being conformed to the image of Christ. The process of healing for those caught in sexual addiction is measured by progress not perfection.

    • Hope- We are called to hold the hope of restoration and healing in Jesus Christ for those caught in the sin of addictive behaviors.

Meet the Team

We have been where you are, and have first hand experience that victory is possible! We are here to support, guide and walk alongside you on your path to recovery.

  • Dr. Robb is a co-founder of the Underground Ministry, a workshop, counseling & support group ministry dedicated to the healing of men and spouses from the effects of sexual addiction. Robb is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel through the Elim Fellowship of Lima, NY. He has achieved a B.A. in Christian Counseling from Southwest Bible College & Seminary, an M.A. in Human Services Counseling from Regent University and a Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Psychology from Cornerstone University. Robb has received Board Certification in Temperament Therapy and is recognized as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor by the National Christian Counseling Association. He is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors as well as a Board Certified Sexual AddictionCounselor through the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors. ​Robb’s approach to counseling centers on the grace of God and the ministry of His Word through the power of the Holy Spirit. As a Pastoral counselor in a clinical setting, Robb utilizes contributions from both a biblical perspective as well as a cognitive behavioral and Family Systems approach to therapy. Robb’s passion and expertise are in marriage therapy and sexual addiction recovery. His deepest desire is to see the miraculous restoration ministry of Jesus Christ made real in the lives of hurting and emotionally wounded people. This passion is shared with his wife Beth, who leads a thriving spouses’ recovery group. Together, Robb and Beth rejoice in more than 20 years of sobriety and recovery from the effects of sexual sin. Their ministry as a couple includes church testimonies and team teaching on the prevention and recovery from sexual sin at seminars and retreats.

  • Brian Griswold is a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC) providing therapy for men. He maintains a private practice in Towson, MD. Brian is also a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist (CSAT).

    ​Brian has over thirty years of pastoral experience working with couples, families and individuals. He is a graduate of Loyola University's Pastoral Counseling program which has equipped him to meet the needs of clients with a broad spectrum of challenges and concerns. He also has led a dynamic Christ centered 12 step program called Celebrate Recovery which reaches people with hurts, habits and hang-ups of all kinds.

    In addition to being involved in recovery work, he specializes in working with men who struggle with sexual addiction and enjoys seeing them free of it's hold on their life. Brian has presented at conferences and to general audiences speaking on the topics of marriage, relationships and healthy sexuality.

    Brian uses a cognitive behavioral therapeutic approach, to create a treatment plan tailored to the unique needs of the client. As a Pastoral Counselor, Brian is equipped to blend his theoretical approach with a Christ centered theology for those who wish it. With sensitivity and compassion, Brian helps clients to identify and build upon their strengths as they work towards life goals and problem resolution.

  • Bret Larrimore has been in recovery since 2008 and has been a leader and co-facilitator of the Easton Men’s Underground L.I.F.E. group since 2010 and has a solid understanding of the recovery process. He is a small group leader and teacher on Temperaments for the Underground Workshop. It is through his personal experience of addiction, consequences, pain, and a loving Spirit-led recovery walk that Bret found his purpose, deep inner-healing, and passion for helping other men uncover the same things.

    Bret is an ICCA (International Christian Coaches Association) Board Certified Advanced Christian Life Coach specializing in Addiction Recovery and Relational Improvement. He is also a Certified Gallup Strengths Advisor through the Nazarene Strengths Institute, a Certified Instructor and International Representative for the SACC (Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling).

    Bret’s knowledge of temperaments, love for Jesus and people in general, and his “futuristic” thinking is what enables him to help other men see “what could be”. As a coach, Bret helps men and their wives set into motion the action needed to intentionally connect with God, self, and others. In the process of recovery, they gain deep insight, new truths, and a visional direction for their lives and marriages, toward living in freedom every day.